Preparing for an Appraisal

Helpful information to enhance and expedite the appraisal process
Thank you for taking the time to review this information. It is designed to provide a brief overview of the appraisal process and help the Insured better understand the types of documents, files, and information that can be provided to enhance and expedite the overall process.
Documents and information provided in advance of the appraisal date, whileour specialized appraisers are conducting the pre-appraisal analysis, can help to expedite the on-site process. Available information can be uploaded (unlimited file sizes), transmitted as email attachments (20 MB file limitations), or sent via standard mail.
If documents and information cannot be provided prior to the appraisal, making this information available for review during the on-site appraisal is highly beneficial to the overall process. Providing the appraiser with copies of this information is ideal whenever possible.
Please review the below list of documents and information as you begin this process. Provision of any of these items, either before or during the appraisal, can enhance and expedite the process.

An individual who is knowledgeable about the property, its history, prior restorations, construction elements, and systems, is a great asset to the appraisal process. Having such an individual available during the on-site appraisal is always best, but we understand that's not always possible. In any event, it's important to the overall assessment process to speak with any individuals who possess valuable information about the property. Having the contact information available for any applicable Important Contact below, will allow the appraiser to develop a more thorough and complete understanding of the property.